Tuesday 6 August 2013

Being liked is no secret

So someone once told me that they envied me. Because I'm so confident and everyone liked me.

So I'm gonna share with you why i think they like me and how I act that results in people liking me. I mean this is just what I do naturally.

1. Be confident with yourself. Don't let others knock you down. Believe in yourself. Cause you are your best supporter. If you can't believe in your own self than how can people believe in you. A little bit of confidence goes a long way. Not only in school but it will also help in the future. 

2. Take everything positively. Never let the opinions of others define who you are to be. If someone states an opinion about you that is negative... make it positive. I always do that, that people tell me that it's useless to insult me. So don't let the negativity of others affect your happiness. I mean its your life. Always look at the cup half full not half empty.

3. Mingle with everyone. Hang out with anyone. Done be like those people who only hang out with the cool kids. Just mix with everyone whose nice to you. Don't care if they're annoying at times or if he or she has hardly any friends.

4. Never be ashamed or fake. I'm never and will never be ashamed of who I am or what my roots are or what my skin colour is. And never pretend to be someone you're not. I mean how long can you keep the act up and the truth always comes out and it'll bite you in the back.

5. Never be afraid to be seen alone. I know some people are so afraid to be seen sitting alone. Cause they're so ashamed and think that people will judge them. I mean people probably are. But who cares. If you can't even be alone for a few minutes than how are you going to face reality when it comes knocking at your door. 

6. Be a nice. When I say be nice i don't mean like be that type of person who just agrees with everyone and only says nice things. I'm saying don't be a bully, or a female dog. You may thing people like you but in actual fact they're just scared of you. So be a nice and decent person. Think before you give your opinion and try to say it in a polite way so no one is offended.

This aren't really tips to being popular or anything but just some advice to people out there.

Me and my mum

This holiday me and my mum have actually come a bit closer. I mean we don't really fight. And I actually dun mind her. Maybe all this exercise and not being a couch potatooe has actually made me a more positive and cheerful person.

So to a healthier and stronger relationship with my mother

Fitness Day 5

Today did pretty ok. 45mins of fast walking outside, Surprisingly my mum has been quite supportive. She's even like oh if we start excercising at 4pm then we can walk outside at 7pm. Blah blah. Like planning the day tommorow.

So anyways. I'm getting quite used to this new routine. Feel pretty confident that this time I can carry it on.

Monday 5 August 2013

Continuation of Artzy stuff

So this morning I woke up and straight away after breakfast i started finishing yesterdays art work.

Its looks much better than in does in the picture but yeah...

Artzy stuff

So I've been wanting to do this world map project. So I finally did it today.

It wasn't that difficult actually. I haven't finish yet. But here's what i have so far.

World Map

Fitness Day 4

Today 2.65km in 30 mins. Not as successful as yesterday. The lazyness has started to kick in.

Hope I feel energetic tomorrow. 

Sunday 4 August 2013

Asian Parents

OK Asian Parents. Where do  I start.

So well my parents are really controlling. Especially when I was in Brunei. I was in an international school and like half of my friends were like white or mixed with white and everyone spoke with British ish accents even the asian ones. So the environment was more western. Even though Brunei is in asia.

So I enjoyed myself. But... I was never allowed to go anywhere. I was boarding so that was good. But over the weekend i was never allowed to go to my friends house. I mean everyone would be like lets go to the club. Then I would be like be mummy can i go to the club. Then they'll be like go to the cub and do what. That's where all the drugs and alcohol and stuff are. When in actual fact all people do there is swim, play on the beach and just hang out.

But they never understood it. I was allowed to go to one of my friends houses for a sleepover once. It was my first ever and last i think. So yeah i didn't tell them that i was going to the club as well. Cause then they would have definitely not let me go. I never understood them and the club. It was so hard asking them permission to go anywhere. So usually i just didn't bother asking.

Anyways another thing that i faced with my parents is that whenever i asked to go to a friends house they'll be like for what. If i said just for fun, then it'll be like no. So i always said it was a birthday party. And then they'll be like but we dun know the parents, then I'm like well if u never talk to them then u know u'll never know them. I dunno whats with certain asian parents, they have this certain inferiority complex with white people. They think that all of them are racist people. I mean thinking like that makes you a racist doesn't it?

Well besides that they always kinda hated my friends. They'll be like oh so you think that you guys are so close. Wait and see one they they'll just stab you in the back. Well isn't that the case for any race. Its not a racial thing. An asian person can still stab you in the back. Its not by race its by the person if they're nice or not. So yeah.

The incident that happen in school was the peak of all my misery actually. Some gurls brought some drink then they kept in our room. I didn't even do anything. I mean i was just there. Then blah blah. Teachers found out. Blah blah. Then i had to face my parents. I mean i didn't do anything. But they took my phone and yeah. And all my friends had from their parents were like oh I'm very disappointed and stuff. Asian parents always make something small so big.

So now I'm back in Malaysia. My parents are more lenient. But its still so hard to ask them for permission to go anywhere. But i guess some people have it worse than i do. So that is what that's keeping me going.